Treatment of 50% of CKD depends on their diet. Therefore, a diet plays a crucial role in the…
Treatment of 50% of CKD depends on their diet. Therefore, a diet plays a crucial role in the recovery of chronic kidney disease patients. A healthy Chronic Kidney Disease diet controls waste and toxins in the body, such as creatinine, urea, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus. So in this article, you will know what type of diet should be given to the patient with kidney failure. Not only that, but you will also learn about how a kidney-friendly diet helps to protect the kidneys from further damage.
The diet of each kidney patient depends on how well their kidney is functioning and the type of kidney disease they have. There are different kidney diseases such as chronic kidney disease, acute kidney disease, and nephrotic syndrome. The causes of kidney disease vary from one patient to another. CKD is a long-term kidney disease. AKD causes spontaneous deteriorating of kidneys failing the kidney filtration process. Whereas, Nephrotic Syndrome is a group of symptoms that collectively affects the kidney’s functioning. Therefore, the diet of kidney patients depends on the type of renal disease.
A kidney patient can control many complications with the help of the best chronic kidney disease diet. A healthy diet plays a 50% role in the treatment of kidney disease. A person with CKD needs to avoid foods high in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus and limit the amount of fluid in the body. Therefore, you need to consult a dietician for a chronic renal diet to determine the best diet based on kidney function.
Dr. Puru Dhawan is the Best Kidney doctor in Delhi provides the best kidney treatment, including a personalized diet and curated therapies like acupressure & acupuncture as per the patient’s body needs. The plant-based treatment helps patients recover from renal complications without any side effects.
The diet for such a disease is prepared after analyzing a kidney patient’s physical condition and reports. However, the presented CKD diet is hypothetical and recommended for general understanding.
To know about the personalized diet for kidney patients, reach out to the best kidney clinic in Delhi and the best kidney doctor Dr. Puru Dhawan.
Sodium: Sodium is something that the body does not produce on its own, like creatinine, so we need to have it through the food we consume in a day. If the sodium level in a chronic kidney disease diet increases, it can cause high blood pressure. Therefore, to control the blood pressure and the amount of sodium in the body, we have to reduce salt consumption. Patients with renal failure are advised to take sodium-enriched food after consulting with the nephrologist & dietitian to boost kidney functioning.
General dosage recommended:- Less than 2,000 mg per day.
Potassium: High potassium is more dangerous than having high creatinine. When the potassium level increases, it can lead to a heart attack in a kidney failure patient.
Even though potassium provides the power to move muscles, it should be adjusted in specific amounts for patients in a chronic kidney disease diet. Potassium is present in every food we eat, so we have to choose food with low potassium.
General dosage recommended:- Less than 2,000 mg per day.
Phosphorus: When it comes to filtering out excess phosphorus, damaged kidneys cannot remove it. Henceforth it causes damage to the body and weakened bones. So in a chronic kidney disease diet, it will help if the amount of phosphorus is kept limited.
General dosage recommended:- Less than 800-1,000 mg.
Protein: Our body is made of protein as it builds muscle, repairs tissue, and fights infection, so it is prominent that protein intake is essential, but the amount of protein should be based on your body size or your kidney problem.
Excessive amounts of protein in a chronic kidney disease diet can cause toxins to build up in the blood, and kidneys won’t be able to filter it out. However, we cannot stop the protein intake as it is needed to provide energy for functioning.
General dosage recommended:- Less than 0.8 grams per kilogram of your ideal body weight.
Red bell peppers:
It is high in flavor and low in potassium; it is tasty and excellent for vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B6, folic acid, and fiber. So that is the reason that bell peppers are the perfect food for patients with chronic kidney disease.
Amount -1/2 cup
Sodium-1 mg
Potassium-88 mg
phosphorus-10 mg
Cauliflower is a food that is high in vitamin C and is a good source of folate and fiber. In addition, it is a compound that helps the liver neutralize toxic substances that could damage cell membranes and DNA.
Amount -1/2 cup
Sodium- 9 mg
Potassium-88 mg
phosphorus-20 mg
Garlic helps to reduce inflammation and lower down cholesterol. It also prevents plaque from forming in your teeth.
Amount -1 clove garlic
Sodium- 1 mg
Potassium-12 mg
phosphorus-4 mg
Onion is a primary flavor in many cooked dishes as it contains sulfur. In addition, it is low in potassium and a good source of minerals that help with carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism.
Amount -1/2 cup
Sodium- 3 mg
Potassium-116 mg
phosphorus-3 mg
Egg whites:
It provides the highest quality of pure protein with all the essential amino acids. For patients with chronic kidney disease, egg white is a good source of food that provides protein with less phosphorus.
Amount -2 egg whites
Sodium- 110 mg
Potassium-108 mg
Phosphorus-10 mg
Fish provides an anti-inflammatory fat that is called omega-3s with high-quality protein and less sodium.
Amount -3 ounces wild salmon
Sodium- 50 mg
Potassium-368 mg
phosphorus- 274 mg
Olive oil:
Olive oil is an anti-inflammatory fatty acid. It is rich in antioxidant compounds that prevent inflammation and oxidation.
Amount -1 tablespoon
Sodium- less than 1 mg
Potassium- less than 1 mg
phosphorus-0 mg
Apple is high in fiber and anti-inflammatory compounds or also known to reduce cholesterol and prevent constipation.
Amount -1 medium apple
Sodium- 1 mg
Potassium- 158 mg
phosphorus-10 mg
Amount -1/2 cup
Sodium- 3 mg
Potassium- 22 mg
phosphorus-3 mg
Amount -1/2 cup
Sodium- 4 mg
Potassium- 65 mg
phosphorus-7 mg
Amount -1/2 cup
Sodium- 0 mg
Potassium- 93 mg
phosphorus-7 mg
Amount -5 medium
Sodium- 1 mg
Potassium- 120 mg
phosphorus-13 mg
Amount -1/2 cup
Sodium- 0 mg
Potassium- 160 mg
phosphorus-15 mg
Red grapes:
Amount -1/2 cup
Sodium- 1 mg
Potassium- 88 mg
phosphorus-4 mg
Fluids or liquids should be kept at room temperatures, such as water, tea, milk, and ice cream. As for food, the amount of fluid intake also depends on the type of kidney disease patient.
1.No dialysis:– 1500 ml of fluid in a day.
Excess intake of water can cause high blood pressure and increased pulse rate. So that renal patient needs to limit the amount of fluid intake. But, on the other hand, if a patient takes a large amount of water, it will cause fluid accumulation and swelling around the legs.
Note:- Patient can take 50ml of water at a time.
At the best kidney clinic in Delhi, Dr. Puru Dhawan- The best kidney doctors near me provide the best ayurvedic kidney treatment to patients suffering from chronic kidney disease. There are different stages of a chronic kidney, and each stage shows how well the kidney is functioning, so at SRIAAS, we present kidney functioning with the help of a customized diet chart in the form of plant-based seeds and diet. So work to make it better. Plays 50% role in Ayurvedic kidney treatment.
The doctors at SRIAAS treat kidney function with KFRT (Kidney Function Restoration Treatment) to improve eGFR.
This diet chart is provided only for general information to the reader. But if any patient is suffering from chronic kidney disease, our advice would be to take proper consultation from nephrologists or dieticians.
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