frequently asked questions

An FAQ page is a section of a website that addresses common questions and concerns from visitors. FAQ pages are a key part of a knowledge base and are useful to customers at all stages of their journey.

Ayurveda FAQ's
1 What is Ayurvedic treatment?

Ayurvedic treatment is a holistic healing approach originating from ancient Indian philosophy. It focuses on the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit. It uses natural remedies, herbal medicines, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle practices to address the root causes of ailments and restore overall balance and wellness.

2 Can Ayurveda help in recovery?

Ayurvedic treatments aim to rebalance the body, mind, and spirit, targeting the underlying causes of illnesses rather than merely alleviating symptoms, thereby aiding recovery.

3 Is Ayurveda suitable for everyone?

Ayurveda is generally safe for most individuals, but it's crucial to consult a qualified practitioner to ensure its suitability for specific health needs and conditions. Pregnant women, those with certain medical conditions, and individuals on medication should seek professional guidance before starting Ayurvedic treatments for personalized advice.

4 Are there any side effects of Ayurvedic treatments?

Ayurvedic treatments are typically safe when administered by qualified practitioners. However, as with any medical intervention, there may be potential side effects or risks if treatments are not tailored to individual needs or if improper ingredients or dosages are used. Consulting with a knowledgeable Ayurvedic practitioner is essential to ensure safety and minimize the risk of adverse effects.

Doctors FAQ's
1 Can Ayurveda treat my specific health condition?

Ayurveda tailors personalized treatments for individual health conditions, addressing root causes rather than symptoms. Its goal is to restore balance to the body, mind, and spirit, effectively treating various health conditions.

2 Do I need to make any dietary or lifestyle changes while undergoing Ayurvedic treatment?

Ayurvedic treatment often includes dietary and lifestyle adjustments to support overall wellness and enhance treatment effectiveness. Your doctor will offer specific recommendations based on your unique constitution and health condition.

3 Can Ayurveda help with chronic conditions?

Ayurveda can benefit chronic conditions by addressing underlying imbalances and promoting overall health and well-being. However, its effectiveness may vary depending on the individual and condition, requiring collaboration with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner for a personalized treatment plan.

Facilities FAQ's
1 What facilities does our hospital offer?

Our hospital provides a variety of amenities, including specialized dietary services, trained therapists and doctors, consultation rooms, and follow-up treatments for patients.

2 What measures are taken to ensure a comfortable and hygienic environment for patients?

Our hospital maintains a comfortable and hygienic environment through regular cleaning, adherence to hygiene protocols, and proper facility maintenance. Staff are trained in infection control, and strict compliance with health regulations ensures patient safety.

3 Is there a provision for follow-up consultations or treatments after the initial treatment course?

Our hospital offers follow-up consultations and treatments to monitor progress, address concerns, and adjust treatment plans as needed. This ensures ongoing support and continuity of care for patients' well-being.

Medicines FAQ's
1 Can Ayurveda be used alongside conventional medical treatments?

Yes, Ayurveda can complement conventional medical treatments. However, it's crucial to consult your Ayurvedic doctor and primary healthcare provider to ensure compatibility and avoid potential treatment interactions.

2 Are Ayurvedic medicines safe to use?

Yes, Ayurvedic medicines are generally considered safe when used under the guidance of a qualified practitioner. However, it's essential to ensure the medicines are obtained from reputable sources and used according to prescribed dosages to minimize potential risks or side effects.

3 Are the medicines safe for everyone, including pregnant women and children?

Our Ayurvedic medicines are generally safe for most individuals, including pregnant women and children. However, to ensure suitability and proper dosage, it's essential to consult with our qualified Ayurvedic doctors before starting any treatment, especially during pregnancy or for pediatric patients.

4 Do the medicines have any side effects or interactions with other medications?

While Ayurvedic medicines are generally well-tolerated, some individuals may experience mild side effects or interactions, particularly if they have specific health conditions or are taking other medications. Our experienced Ayurvedic doctors carefully evaluate each patient's health profile to minimize the risk of side effects and interactions and provide personalized recommendations accordingly.

Diet FAQ's
1 Can Ayurveda help in recovering from female infertility?

Yes, ayurveda can help females recover from infertility. Ayurvedic treatments aim to restore balance to the body, mind, and spirit, addressing the root causes of infertility rather than just alleviating symptoms.

2 Does infertility mean I can never have children?

No, infertility does not mean you can never have children. Infertility is the inability to conceive a child naturally even after unprotected intercourse for about a year or more. There can be various medical and non-medical factors responsible for it. So, the root cause needs to be identified first and appropriate treatment and lifestyle modifications should be made.

3 Is infertility only a ‘women’s problem’?

No, infertility is not just a ‘women’s problem’. Problems can occur in both men and women that can cause infertility. In India, the male factor contributes to about 35% of the cases.