Kidney Disorders

Healthy kidneys are vital for filtering waste from the blood, but conditions like high blood pressure can harm them, leading to serious issues like chronic kidney failure. It's important to prioritize kidney health with medical care and lifestyle changes.

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Why Kidney Fails?

Kidney failure also known as “renal failure” is on the rise nowadays. More than 2 lakh persons in India had kidney illness diagnosed last year.Certain health issues are responsible for kidney damage, among which diabetes and hypertension are the two leading causes. When the kidneys do not function well, waste products like creatinine, urea, etc. begin to accumulate inside the body and cause serious issues like nausea, vomiting, and edema. Being not treated timely, the diseased or impaired kidney can gradually transform into entirely damaged kidneys known as kidney failure. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor kidney health through regular check-ups, Additionally, certain key factors including a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, proper hydration, efficient healthcare support and regular exercise are also important to preserve kidney function and overall well-being.

Basically, there are 2 types of renal failure: Temporary and Permanent

1. Temporary / Transient / Acute renal failure- When the kidneys suddenly lose their ability to cleanse the blood, due to any injury or internal health issue. This condition is potentially reversible if treated timely.

2. Permanent (persistent) / Chronic renal failure – When the kidneys become damaged gradually over time, due to certain health issues like high blood pressure. It can’t be reversed, but with a proactive approach, the progression of kidney damage can be managed effectively. At this stage of kidney disease, the patient usually has the helping hand of dialysis to help out in the waste filtration.

Causes of Kidney Failure

Glomerular Diseases

Glomeruli are small filters present within the kidneys. When these filters don’t function properly, this affects the functioning of the kidneys leading to toxin buildup and kidney failure

Diabetes & High Blood Pressure

Millions of microscopic filters known as "Nephrons" make up each kidney. Diabetes-related elevated blood sugar over time can harm nephrons and renal blood vessels.

Kidney hypertension is high blood pressure that is brought on by a constriction of the arteries that supply blood to the kidneys.

Protein in Urine

No doubt, protein in the urine (proteinuria) is an early sign of kidney damage, but this can also contribute to further renal impairment. Protein seeps past the filters in your kidneys and ends up in your urine, creating protein deficiency in the body which eventually affects the functioning of the kidneys.

Symptoms of Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure does not happen overnight. It starts with an infection and progresses gradually to failure.

  • Foamy, dark-colored urine
  • Abnormal urination
  • Trouble in sleeping
  • Swollen feet and ankles
  • Fatigue, headache, nausea
  • Poor appetite
  • Metallic taste in mouth
  • Abnormal urination
  • Dry, itchy skin
  • Muscle cramps
  • Puffiness around the eyes
Kidney Failure

Your kidneys are essential organs that remove waste and excess fluid from your blood; without them, you cannot survive. Disorders that impair your kidney's capacity to filter blood can damage not just your kidneys but also other organs in your body. To know more about different kidney diseases, click on the links below.


Kidney Failure

Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is a sudden deterioration of the kidneys. AKI causes waste products to accumulate in your blood, making it difficult for your kidneys to maintain the proper fluid balance in your body.

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Kidney Failure

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), sometimes known as chronic kidney failure (CKF), is characterized by a gradual loss of kidney function. In the early stages of CKD, you may have minimal signs or symptoms.

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IgA Nephropathy is an uncommon condition that causes inflammation (swelling) & kidney damage owing to protein buildup in your kidneys. This reduces your kidneys' ability to filter waste & fluid from your blood.

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Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic illness in which clusters of cysts form mostly within the kidneys, causing the kidneys to enlarge over time leading to eventual kidney

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Why you need to Stop Dialysis?

Dialysis is a costly and time-consuming treatment that can have several negative impacts on a patient's health. The risks of death for dialysis patients are high in the first four years. However, these risks fall down in the next 5-10 years before rising again after 11 years. Among those who experience fatalities during the first four years, the major reasons are infections and heart problems. At the advanced stage of dialysis, the deaths are majorly caused by intolerance towards dialysis due to the patient’s weakness.

Dialysis side effects include:

  • Sudden decrease in Blood Pressure
  • Cramps in the muscles
  • Skin irritation
  • Clots in the blood
  • Infection
  • Anemia
  • Having trouble in sleeping
  • Heart problems
  • Heart attack

To prevent all this, use Ayurvedic Treatment for:

Individuals showing Abnormal Symptoms

Abnormal signs of kidney failure include reduced urine production, shortness of breath, frothy and dark-colored urine, swelling in legs & ankles, and an irregular pulse rate. These symptoms necessitate a renal examination and Ayurvedic therapy.


Dialysis Patients

Ayurveda has a unique and targeted approach to chronic renal disease. SRIAAS offers Ayurvedic therapy for renal failure. We provide therapy for all phases of renal disease. The key to our success in treating renal disorders is disease-specific tailoring. As a result, every dialysis patient can be treated with Ayurvedic medicine.

Individuals with End-Stage Renal Disease

The Ayurvedic approach to the care of renal illnesses, at any stage, is to first strengthen the body to prevent further kidney damage. Ayurvedic treatment enriches the vital components of your body, resulting in patients experiencing a revitalized sense of well-being and excellent health towards the end of treatment for renal disorders.


Those Seeking Natural Treatment

Our Ayurvedic therapy includes herbal supplements, lifestyle & nutrition guidelines, and has a comprehensive influence on the body. Our Ayurvedic therapy is ideal for people who desire to regain their kidneys functionality without losing it naturally or requiring a transplant.

Why Ayurvedic treatment at SRIAAS is the BEST?
100% Natural and Safe

Our clinical procedures, which are based on the ancient science of Ayurveda, have shown to be beneficial in the treatment of renal failure. Personalized herbal supplements are prescribed by our experts based on the underlying cause of the diagnosis.

Individualized Root Cause Treatment

The primary objective of our Ayurvedic Kidney therapies is to cure issues at their origin rather than merely suppress the symptoms, and our efforts do not stray from this philosophy.

A Comprehensive Approach

The fundamental premise of our Ayurvedic therapy is to treat each patient as an individual human being with a unique individuality. We prioritize the treatment of the patient over the treatment of the ailment.

Continuous Monitoring

We concentrate on all elements of your health, including physical, philosophical, psychological, and ethical well-being, in order to ensure long-term wellbeing. Our doctor will keep in touch with you during your treatment to monitor your progress and answer any questions you may have about your health.

Individualized Diet and Lifestyle Plans

Get long-term relief by making precise dietary and lifestyle modifications. Customized treatments that include individualized food, Ayurvedic supplements, and lifestyle planners are devised by our experts to augment herbal supplements for a complete therapy of patient’s underlying problem.