Female Infertility

The ability of a woman to naturally conceive a biological child and carry the pregnancy to term is known as female fertility. However, when a woman fails to undergo pregnancy and is unable to conceive a child then it is called as female infertility.

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There are various factors such as age, hormonal balance, reproductive health and lifestyle choices that affect the female fertility. Women are the most fertile during their early 20s and this gradually starts decreasing by the late 20s. Along with age, the overall health, nutritional status and exposure to toxins also play a significant role in maintaining a woman's fertility.

What are the main reasons behind female infertility?

Polycystic Ovarian syndrome

PCOS is a condition caused due to the presence of very high levels of androgens. This affects ovulation and causes irregular periods.

Hormonal imbalance

Besides PCOS, imbalance in the levels of other hormones like thyroid stimulating hormone, prolactin, Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing hormone can affect the overall functioning of your reproductive system.

Damaged fallopian tubes

Your fallopian tubes can be blocked or damaged due to inflammation, infections or previous surgeries. This does not allow the egg to reach the uterus.


The endometrial tissues grow on the inner uterus lining. But, if it grows in any location outside the uterus like the fallopian tubes, ovaries etc, then it interferes with your fertility.

Ovarian insufficiency

If your ovaries stop functioning normally, before the age of 40, then it is a case of premature ovarian insufficiency. As a result, the ovaries are not able to produce one egg every month leading to an early menopause.

Problems with the uterus

Sometimes, your uterus can be abnormally shaped or there might be growth of fibroids in it. This makes a natural conception very difficult.

Cervical defects

For some people, their cervix might be too narrow or completely closed. This might be a birth defect or due to some infection. In some cases, the cervical mucus does not support sperm motility. So, sperms are not able to enter the uterus for fertilisation.

Female Infertility

Female fertility is a multifaceted and crucial aspect of reproductive health. It encompasses the intricate processes that enable a woman to conceive and carry out a healthy term pregnancy. Influenced by various physiological, environmental and genetic factors, it also demands a great amount of care and self-awareness.

Hormonal Imbalance

There are multiple hormones in the female body that regulate various processes. This includes oestrogen, progesterone, LH, FSH, insulin etc. There are various factors that can disturb its levels & a small imbalance can negatively affect a number of vital processes in the body.

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Leukorrhea is a natural occurrence in which a white or yellowish fluid is secreted from the vagina. This is the way our vagina flushes out dead cells & harmful bacteria from the reproductive tract. A change in its colour, consistency & odour is indicative of infections.

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What are the risk factors associated with female infertility?

Age: With increasing age, the quantity and quality of your eggs start to decline and this is very significant in your late thirties. Since the eggs your ovaries produce are fewer and of a poorer quality, conception becomes very difficult and the risk of misconception increases.

Weight: Being obese, overweight or significantly underweight can decrease the frequency of ovulation and the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.

Smoking: Smoking is detrimental to your reproductive health as it damages your cervix and fallopian tubes. It ages your ovaries and eggs faster thereby increasing the risk of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

Alcohol intake: Excessive alcohol consumption reduces fertility.

Sexual History: A sexual relationship with multiple partners and unprotected sex puts you at a high risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. These infections can often damage the uterus and fallopian tubes.

Sleep: It is important to get an optimal 7-8 hours of sleep everyday to maintain a good reproductive health. Too little or too much sleep can negatively impact your fertility.

Personal Hygiene: Poor menstrual hygiene, washroom habits and vaginal hygiene can cause infections that have very serious effects on female fertility.

Mental Health: A peaceful and stress free mental state is very important to maintain the hormonal balance of your body. It not only makes conceiving easy, but also makes pregnancy smooth and uncomplicated.

Treat Female infertility with Ayurvedic Treatment at SRIAAS

At SRIAAS, we focus on natural ways to retain and enhance female fertility. Our approach is to provide the best treatment plan with natural medicines, dietary modifications along with lifestyle changes.

infertility is often result of imbalances inside body that lead to disturbances in the reproductive tissues and channels. SRIAAS employs a comprehensive approach to restore this balance, aiming to enhance fertility and overall well-being. Herbal formulations at SRIAAS are based on to overcome fertility challenges. These are chosen for their rejuvenating properties, promoting hormonal balance, and improving the quality of reproductive tissues. We, go beyond the traditional ways of treating female infertility and aim to nurture the holistic well-being of a woman. Our dedication extends to meticulously identify the root cause of the issue and ensure your comprehensive enhancement and well-being.

1 Can Ayurveda help in recovering from female infertility?

Yes, ayurveda can help females recover from infertility. Ayurvedic treatments aim to restore balance to the body, mind, and spirit, addressing the root causes of infertility rather than just alleviating symptoms.

2 Does infertility mean I can never have children?

No, infertility does not mean you can never have children. Infertility is the inability to conceive a child naturally even after unprotected intercourse for about a year or more. There can be various medical and non-medical factors responsible for it. So, the root cause needs to be identified first and appropriate treatment and lifestyle modifications should be made.

3 Is infertility only a 'women's problem'?

No, infertility is not just a 'women's problem'. Problems can occur in both men and women that can cause infertility. In India, the male factor contributes to about 35% of the cases.