
Diabetes is a chronic medical condition that affects how your body processes glucose (sugar), the primary energy source for your cells. Glucose comes from your foods and is carried by your blood to your cells for energy. To enter your cells, glucose requires a hormone called insulin. Diabetes is a group of prevalent endocrine diseases characterized by high blood sugar levels.

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Glucose, often referred to as the body's primary energy source, plays a pivotal role in sustaining life. It is intricately tied to the balance between rest and activity, energy metabolism, and glucose regulation through insulin. However, when disrupted by poor dietary choices and an insufficient supply of insulin, a hormone responsible for glucose up take in cells, diabetes can emerge as a significant health concern. Diabetes manifests differently, but excessive glucose in the bloodstream is a common denominator.

It underscores the importance of maintaining a delicate equilibrium, where both physical activity and dietary choices are crucial in preventing and managing this chronic condition. Neglecting these key factors can lead to diabetes, which, when uncontrolled, can have serious health consequences. Therefore, a balanced approach to lifestyle and dietary habits is essential in the fight against diabetes. Nowadays an estimated 422 million people have diabetes worldwide, accounting for 10.5 % of the adult population. The commonness of the diseases continues to increase dramatically in low and middle-income nations. Rates are similar in men and women, leading to the seventh cause of death globally. There are two types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes (T1D) and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Mostly, diabetes is chronic but can be manageable with medications.

Types of Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is also known as juvenile diabetes. It is an auto-immune disease that originates from the cells that make insulin destroyed by the immune system. Type 1 diabetes begins suddenly and also in childhood or adolescence. The primary factor of type 1 diabetes is high blood sugar, which manifests in children in a few days to increase urination.

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a medical condition that arises from difficulties in the body's ability to regulate blood sugar, leading to insufficient insulin production. While Type 2 diabetes mostly affects older adults, it's important to note that both types of diabetes can also manifest during childhood.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy. It occurs when the body cannot produce enough insulin to meet the increased needs during pregnancy. Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar (glucose) levels. Gestational diabetes usually develops in the second half of pregnancy, typically around the 24th to 28th week.


Prediabetes is when a person's blood sugar levels are higher than usual but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes. It's a warning sign that an individual is at an increased risk of developing diabetes in the future. Lifestyle changes, such as healthier eating and increased physical activity, can help prevent or delay the progression to full-blown diabetes in people with prediabetes. Monitoring blood sugar and working with a healthcare provider to manage this condition is essential.


Type 1 Diabetes

The loss of B cells is the root cause of Type 1 diabetes, As they are the sole insulin-producing cells in the body, leading to a gradual Insulin deficiency. The potential factors contributing to Type 1 diabetes may Involve genetics, virus exposure, and other environmental elements.

Type 2 Diabetes

Two primary factors contribute to Type 2 diabetes:

Inadequate insulin production by the pancreas and impaired regulation of sugar movement by hormones. The condition can be managed through weight loss, a balanced diet, and regular exercise. If these measures prove inadequate incontrolling blood sugar levels, healthcare professionals may suggest diabetes medications and insulin therapy.

Gestational Diabetes

During pregnancy, the placenta produces hormones that can interfere with the body's ability to use insulin effectively, leading to insulin resistance. If the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to compensate for this resistance, it results in elevated blood sugar levels.


The causes of prediabetes include insulin resistance, genetic factors, unhealthy lifestyle choices (such as poor diet and lack of exercise), and age-related risk. Managing these factors through healthier living can help prevent or delay the progression to full-blown diabetes.


Diabetes symptoms can vary depending on blood sugar levels, but they may encompass:

  • Heightened thirst and appetite
  • Unintended weight loss
  • Genital itching
  • Vision blurriness
  • Numbness in the extremities
  • Delayed wound healing
  • Mood swings and irritability
  • Frequent urination
  • Requiring frequent injections
Risk factors


Smoking is bad for diabetes because it worsens blood sugar control, increases the risk of complications like heart disease, slows wound healing, and can lead to more severe health issues for individuals with diabetes. Quitting smoking is crucial for better diabetes management and overall well-being.



Alcohol can lead to blood sugar fluctuations and impaired judgment, making diabetes management challenging. It can interact with diabetes medications and contribute to weight gain. Excessive drinking can increase the risk of low blood sugar and strain the liver, impacting blood sugar control. Individuals with diabetes need to approach alcohol consumption with caution and seek guidance from healthcare professionals.

Unhealthy diet

An unhealthy diet is high in sugar, refined carbs, and saturated fats can lead to blood sugar spikes, making diabetes more complicated to manage. It can contribute to obesity and insulin resistance, worsening the condition. Poor diet choices increase the risk of diabetes-related complications, such as heart disease and kidney problems.


Genetic diabetes

This is a special kind of diabetes that happens because of changes in a person's genes. It's not related to things like eating habits or being overweight. This type of diabetes usually starts when a person is young. It can be treated with medicine or insulin, depending on the specific gene problem. Genetic testing can help find the exact gene issue causing this type of diabetes.

Age-related diabetes

This is often referred to as type 2 diabetes and is more common in adults, particularly as they age. It's linked to genetics, lifestyle choices, diet, and physical activity. As people age, their risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle becomes crucial in managing and preventing this condition.



These factors, including lifestyle and diet, can significantly contribute to developing type 2 diabetes. High sugar, high-fat diets, lack of physical activity, and obesity are critical environmental risk factors. These factors can lead to insulin resistance and disrupted blood sugar control, making healthy lifestyle choices essential in preventing and managing this type of diabetes.

Diabetic Neuropathy

Elevated sugar levels can harm blood vessel walls, leading to nerve damage, which may manifest as tingling, burning sensations, and pain that often starts in the fingers and toes.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes can cause damage to the blood vessels in the eye, potentially resulting in vision impairment or blindness.

Diabetic Nephropathy

The kidneys contain numerous clusters of blood vessels responsible for filtering waste from the blood, and diabetes can harm this delicate filtration system.

Cardiovascular disease

Diabetes generally increases the risk of heart problems, including artery disease with chest pain, heart attack, and strokes.

The Sexual problem in men

Diabetes can cause injury to both blood vessels and nerves and limit blood flow to your reproductive organs, potentially leading to a loss of sensation. Elevated blood sugar levels can also increase the risk of experiencing conditions like thrush or urinary tract infections.

Damaged Foot

Diabetes can lead to nerve damage in the feet and reduced blood circulation, giving rise to various foot-related complications.

The sexual problem in women

Diabetes can restrict blood flow to your sexual organs, can result in difficulty becoming aroused and may contribute to erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence.


Healthy diet

Opt for foods with reduced fat and calorie content while increasing fibre intake. Prioritize a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, ensuring a variety to prevent culinary monotony.



Strive for approximately 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity on most days, or target a minimum of 150 minutes weekly. For instance, consider incorporating a brisk daily walk into your routine. If fitting in a longer workout is challenging, break it into shorter sessions throughout the day.

Drop extra pounds

If you have too much weight, losing just a tiny part of it, about 7%, can make it less likely for you to get diabetes. For instance, if you weigh 200 pounds, losing 14 pounds can be helpful. But if you're pregnant, don't worry about losing weight. Talk to your doctor about how much weight you should gain during pregnancy to stay healthy. To keep your weight in a good place for the long term, try to change how you eat and be active so you can stick with it. And remember, losing weight can make your heart healthier, give you more energy, and help you feel better about yourself.


Too much growing

When there's too much sugar in your blood, it can go to the baby through the placenta. This makes the baby's pancreas work extra hard to produce more insulin. This can make your baby get too big, and that might make it hard for the baby to come out during birth. Sometimes, the doctors might need a special C-section operation to help the baby come out.

Role of Ayurveda in Diabetes

Ayurveda is a wellness science focused on holistic healing for over 5,000 years, also known as symptomatic treatment. The growing ancient medical practice is widespread to treat chronic diseases like diabetes, and Ayurveda approaches to treating diabetes combine a healthy diet with exercise, and medications. The primary factor is to help manage the symptoms and reverse the condition for further complications.

Ayurveda and diabetes have some key strategies of Ayurvedic treatment:


Herbal Medication

Herbal medications and supplements will be managed to help the symptoms of diabetes; there are a few herbs and ingredients that help in the blood sugar level, like amla, turmeric, cinnamon, etc.


Dietary modifications

In Ayurveda, diabetes recommends consuming a healthy diet that is rich in leafy vegetables, fruits, and whole grains meal. These diets help to keep the blood sugar level in control.


Yoga and exercise

it's essential to do yoga and exercise in daily life to control diabetes because being active makes the body sensitive to insulin, which helps to manage the condition.

When to see a Doctor?

Regular check-ups

Even if you feel okay, it's a good idea to see your doctor regularly, usually once a year, to make sure your diabetes is under control.

When your sugar levels are high

If your blood sugar levels are not staying healthy, your doctor can help adjust your medicine or advise you on how to improve.

If you have problems

If you experience issues like numbness in your hands or feet, trouble with your vision, kidney problems, chest pain, or difficulty breathing, see a doctor immediately.

Making significantlifestyle changes

If you plan to change your diet, start exercising, or if you're pregnant, talk to your doctor. They can help you adjust your diabetes plan to fit your new lifestyle.

Remember, it's essential to work with your doctor to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.