
PCOD or Polycystic Ovarian Disorder is a condition that affects the ovaries present in female reproductive tract. Ovaries are primary female reproductive organs that are responsible for the production of hormones like Estrogen and progesterone that control ovulation, pregnancy and the menstrual cycle in females.

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What is PCOD?

In this disorder, the ovaries start producing premature or partially mature eggs in large numbers. These accumulate with time to form cysts in the ovaries making it very large. This triggers the release of the male hormone - androgen. This causes irregular periods, sudden, excessive weight gain and other health issues. When PCOD progresses further, it becomes more severe. The cysts formed in the ovaries and the levels of androgen secreted are too high. This is accompanied with the increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, infertility, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Reasons that can be behind PCOD development!

Hormonal imbalance: Elevated levels of sex hormones like testosterone are the main cause of PCOD. This disrupts the menstrual cycle and causes formation of cysts in the ovaries.

Insulin Resistance: Insulin regulates the blood sugar level in our body. If our cells become resistant to it, then it gets accumulated in the blood and can trigger the production of androgen.

Inflammation: Chronic low-grade inflammation can contribute to the onset of PCOS by impacting insulin sensitivity and hormonal balance.

Lifestyle factors: Women with unhealthy eating habits, smoking, alcohol consumption and sedentary lifestyle often tend to put on unnecessary weight and increase the risk of PCOD.

Genetics: Research suggests that PCOS/PCOD has a genetic component. Thus, if females in your family suffer from this, then you are definitely at a higher risk of suffering from it.

Environmental factors: Exposure to environmental pollutants that can disrupt the hormonal balance acting as a potential factor for PCOD development.

Stress: Though the relation between stress and PCOS is very complicated, nut research show that prolonged stress can cause cortisol dysfunction. This can cause inflammation and aggravate PCOD.

Some other causes of PCOD includes!

Gut microbiota imbalance: Our gut and ovarian health are interconnected. Consumption of unhealthy food, some infection or gut injury can destroy a lot of good gut microflora. This can cause inflammation and increase the chances of PCOD.

Prenatal exposures: High maternal BMI, smoking and drinking during pregnancy puts the baby at a very high risk of exposure to harmful substances. Also, exposure of the foetus to high levels of androgen in the womb puts your child in the high-risk group for PCOS.

Immune System Dysfunction: When your immune system does not function properly, the body starts attacking its own cells instead of the harmful pathogens coming from outside. Also known as auto-immune disease, it causes inflammation.

Epigenetic factors: Epigenetics refers to the changes in the gene expression only due to changes in the genetic activity and not due to alterations in the underlying genetic material (DNA). Adverse metabolic and intrauterine dysfunctions inside the uterus can cause epigenetic changes contributing to PCOD.

One can experience these while with PCOD/PCOS:

Irregular periods: If you are suffering from PCOD, your periods will very often be very early or later than the due date. Some might also miss their periods frequently. Also, for some people the bleeding might be very heavy while for some it can be too scanty.

Pelvic or Lower Abdominal Pain: Pelvic pain in the lower stomach is very common in PCOS. It is very uncomfortable and disrupts efficient functioning on a daily basis.

Obesity: Women with PCOD have hormonal and metabolic discrepancies such as insulin resistance and hyperandrogenism. These conditions can cause excessive weight gain.

Acne: Sudden appearance of acne or the acne lesions getting deeper, larger and more difficult to resolve. These acnes worsen especially during the time of periods.

Hair loss: Higher levels of testosterone and disturbed levels of other hormones are a major cause of hair loss and thinning in case of PCOD/PCOS.

Skin pigmentation: Though this is one of the lesser-known symptoms of PCOD, hyperpigmentation in women with PCOS occurs in areas experiencing a lot of friction such as neck, underarms and inner thighs.

Hirsutism: Also known as excessive hair growth, occurs on the back, belly, chest and most importantly the face. This symptom is very specific to PCOD.

Mood swings: If your mood fluctuates rapidly and manifests itself as irritability, temper, sadness, anxiety or depression very frequently, then you should get yourself diagnosed for PCOS. The fluctuating hormone levels are the driving factor behind this.

Fatigue: This is one of the lead symptoms that women with PCOS report. Low thyroid, vitamin B and D levels in PCOS are also responsible for this.

Ayurvedic Treatment of PCOD at SRIAAS

Ayurveda attributes PCOD to the buildup of toxins in the body and an imbalance between different energies of body. We at SRIAAS have a holistic approach towards the treatment of PCOD. We have an all-encompassing way to address the underlying cause behind the condition. We put a meticulous focus on an individual’s dietary habits, toxin exposure and lifestyle. Our experts prioritise the therapeutic interventions with dietary modifications complemented by a detoxification procedure involving beneficial, natural herbal medicines.

Our experts carefully tailor the treatment plan according to individual needs so that they can strengthen, nourish and revitalise the female reproductive system. They also aim for weight loss, hormonal balance and correcting the insulin resistance.

1 Is there a cure for PCOD?

Yes, a person can help from PCOD completely and can manage the symptoms very well by uplifting your lifestyle. Always choose to eat good, stay active and happy.

2 Can PCOS/PCOD cause cancer?

Yes, PCOS/PCOD definitely comes along with the risk of cancer. If the cysts in the ovaries go from functional to pathogenic, then it definitely is a cause of worry. It can also cause cancerous growth in the inner lining of the uterus. So, if you experience any relatable symptoms, consult a doctor before it is too late.

3 Does PCOS affect fertility?

Yes, PCOS definitely affects a woman’s fertility due to the disturbance in the hormonal levels, irregular periods and ovulation.